Module deepposekit.annotate.gui.GUI
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2019 Jacob M. Graving <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from deepposekit.annotate.utils import hotkeys as keys
def _mouse_click(event, x, y, flags, param):
""" Handles mouse click by annotating at the point and updating canvas
event: int
OpenCV mouse event
x: int
x-coordinate of the mouse on click
y: int
y-coordinate of the mouse on click
flags: int
Flags for OpenCV
Pass `self` for callback
self = param
if event is cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
self.point = np.array([x, y])
self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, ["x", "y"]] = self.point / self.scale
# elif event is cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
# self.point = np.array([x, y])
# keypoints = self.skeleton.loc[:, ['x', 'y']].values
# distances = (keypoints - self.point[None])**2
# self.idx = np.argmin(distances.sum(1))
# self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, ['x', 'y']] = self.point / self.scale
# self._set_annotated()
# self._update_canvas()
class GUI:
def __init__(self):
""" A GUI for annotating or marking up image(s).
The GUI class works with a subclass to run a program that could be
used to annotate or markup an image or a series of images.
In order to extend the GUI class to make a subclass, a few things
must be defined in the subclass.
Method |
> _hotkeys() | Activates all the hotkey bindings
Attribute |
> window_name | Name of application window
> image_idx | Index of active image, important for multiple images
> n_images | Number of total images
See the or for an example of how this is done
scale: float
Scaling factor for the GUI (e.g. used in zooming).
text_scale: float
Scaling factor for the GUI font.
A text_scale of 1 is good for 1920x1080 (1080p) images
refresh: int
Delay on receiving next keyboard input in milliseconds.
point: numpy.ndarray
The coordinates of the mouse on the GUI.
image: numpy.ndarray
One image accessed using image_idx.
canvas: numpy.ndarray
Canvas for the GUI itself.
skeleton: pandas.DataFrame
Store information from the skeleton data input.
idx: int
Index of the keypoint in question.
keypoint_idx: numpy.ndarray
Keeps track of the keypoints array.
n_keypoints: int
Total number of keypoints in an image.
text_locs: list
List of text locations.
key: int
The key that is pressed on the keyboard.
def _init_gui(self, scale, text_scale, shuffle_colors=True, refresh=100):
""" Initializes the GUI
Takes in the scaling factor and keyboard input delay. In addition,
this function creates the window, names it, and updates the
canvas and text.
scale: float
Scaling factor for the GUI (e.g. used in zooming).
text_scale: float
Scaling factor for the GUI font.
A text_scale of 1 is good for 1920x1080 (1080p) images
shuffle_colors: bool
Whether to shuffle the color order for keypoint drawing
refresh: int
Delay on receiving next keyboard input in milliseconds.
self.scale = float(scale)
self.text_scale = float(text_scale)
self.refresh = refresh
self.point = np.array([-1, -1])
self.shuffle_colors = shuffle_colors
if max(self.image.shape) * self.scale < 512:
self.scale = 512.0 / max(self.image.shape)
if max(self.image.shape) * self.scale > 1024:
self.scale = 1024.0 / max(self.image.shape)
self.wasd_mode = True
self.move_len = 1.0
cv2.moveWindow(self.window_name, 0, 0)
def _check_grayscale(self):
""" Convert image to RGB if it is not in RGB
An image can be checked if it is in color based on dimensions.
If the image shape is less than 3, then it does not have
color channels. If there is only 1 color channel, it is in
if len(self.image.shape) == 2 or self.image.shape[-1] == 1:
self.image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
def _set_annotated(self):
""" Set the specific keypoint as annotated.
self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "annotated"] = True
def _init_skeleton(self, skeleton):
""" Initialize the skeleton from input data.
Takes in either a .csv or .xlsx file and makes a DataFrame.
skeleton: pandas.DataFrame
Filepath of the .csv or .xlsx file that has indexed information
on name of the keypoint (part, e.g. head), parent (the direct
connecting part, e.g. neck connects to head, parent is head),
and swap (swapping positions with a part when reflected over X).
Consult example of such a file for more information.
if isinstance(skeleton, str):
if skeleton.endswith(".csv"):
skeleton = pd.read_csv(skeleton)
elif skeleton.endswith(".xlsx"):
skeleton = pd.read_excel(skeleton)
raise ValueError("skeleton must be .csv or .xlsx file")
raise TypeError("skeleton must be type `str`")
if "name" not in skeleton.columns:
raise KeyError("skeleton file must contain a `name` column")
elif "parent" not in skeleton.columns:
raise KeyError("skeleton file must contain a `parent` column")
if "x" not in skeleton.columns:
skeleton["x"] = -1
if "y" not in skeleton.columns:
skeleton["y"] = -1
if "annotated" not in skeleton.columns:
skeleton["annotated"] = False
if "tree" not in skeleton.columns:
skeleton["tree"] = -1
for idx, name in enumerate(skeleton["parent"].values):
branch = np.where(skeleton["name"] == name)[0]
if branch.shape[0] > 0:
branch = branch[0]
skeleton.loc[idx, "tree"] = branch
if "swap_index" not in skeleton.columns:
skeleton["swap_index"] = -1
for idx, name in enumerate(skeleton["name"].values):
for jdx, swap_name in enumerate(skeleton["swap"].values):
if swap_name == name:
skeleton.loc[idx, "swap_index"] = jdx
self.skeleton = skeleton
self.keypoint_index = self.skeleton.index
self.n_keypoints = self.skeleton.index.shape[0]
colors = (, 1, self.n_keypoints))[..., :-1] * 255
if self.shuffle_colors:
self.colors = colors
self.inv_colors = np.bitwise_not(colors)
self.idx = 0
def _init_canvas(self):
""" Initialize the canvas of the GUI.
Create the canvas when the program runs.
self.canvas = cv2.resize(
self.image.copy(), (0, 0), None, self.scale, self.scale, cv2.INTER_NEAREST
empty_size = (self.canvas.shape[0], int(self.canvas.shape[1] / 4.0), 3)
empty = np.zeros(empty_size, dtype=np.uint8)
self.canvas = np.concatenate((self.canvas, empty), axis=1)
def _last_keypoint(self):
""" Check if the idx is on the last keypoint
True if the index is on the last keypoint. False otherwise.
return self.idx == self.n_keypoints - 1
def _update_text_locs(self):
""" Update the text locations.
Update the location based on the canvas.
self.text_locs = [
(int(self.canvas_size[0] * 1.025), int(self.canvas_size[1] * 0.05) * idx)
for idx in range(1, self.n_keypoints + 2)
def _draw_text(self):
""" Draw in the texts
Go through the skeleton to get the appropriate texts.
text = str(self.image_idx) + "/" + str(self.n_images - 1)
if len(text) > 9:
text = text[:6] + "..."
loc = self.text_locs[0]
fontscale = self.text_scale * self.scale
color=(0, 0, 0),
color=(255, 255, 255),
self.text_locs = self.text_locs[1:]
for idx, loc in enumerate(self.text_locs):
idx %= len(self.text_locs)
text_idx = self.idx + idx
text_idx %= self.n_keypoints
if idx == 0:
if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]):
color = (254, 79, 48)
border_color = (255, 255, 255)
color = self.colors[self.idx] # (34, 87, 255)
border_color = np.bitwise_not(color)
# color = (3, 255, 118)
thickness = 8
if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]):
color = (254, 79, 48)
color = self.colors[idx] # (34, 87, 255)
thickness = 2
border_color = (0, 0, 0)
text = self.skeleton.loc[text_idx, "name"]
loc = self.text_locs[(idx + len(self.text_locs) // 4) % len(self.text_locs)]
color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])),
def _draw_crosshairs(self, center, radius, color, thickness):
""" Draws the crosshair on the point
Draws an '+' crosshair on the point of interest
center: tuple
(x,y) coordinates of the point.
radius: int
The radius of the crosshair.
color: tuple
The color of the crosshair in BGR.
thickness: int
Thickness of the drawing.
ypt1 = (center[0], center[1] + radius)
ypt2 = (center[0], center[1] - radius)
xpt1 = (center[0] + radius, center[1])
xpt2 = (center[0] - radius, center[1])
color = (int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2]))
cv2.line(self.canvas, ypt1, ypt2, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.line(self.canvas, xpt1, xpt2, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
def _get_scaled_coords(self, idx):
""" Get the scaled coordinates
idx: int
Index of the keypoint in the skeleton DataFrame.
coords = self.skeleton.loc[idx, ["x", "y"]].values * self.scale
coords = tuple([int(x) for x in coords])
return coords
def _draw_point(self, center, radius, color, thickness=1):
""" Draw a single point.
Draws a single point at the center with specified radius and color.
center: tuple
(x,y) coordinates of the point.
radius: int
The radius of the point.
color: tuple
The color of the crosshair in BGR.
color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])),
color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])),
def _draw_points(self):
""" Draws multiple points.
Draws all the annotated points in addition to the new point
for idx in self.keypoint_index:
if idx != self.idx:
if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]):
color = self.colors[idx]
inv_color = (254, 79, 48)
# inv_color = None
# color = (34, 87, 255)
color = self.colors[idx]
inv_color = self.inv_colors[idx]
center = self._get_scaled_coords(idx)
radius = 5
if inv_color is not None:
self._draw_point(center, radius, inv_color, 2)
self._draw_point(center, radius, color)
center = self._get_scaled_coords(self.idx)
radius = 8
# color = (3, 255, 118)
color = self.colors[self.idx]
inv_color = self.inv_colors[self.idx]
self._draw_point(center, radius, inv_color, 2)
self._draw_crosshairs(center, radius + 3, inv_color, 2)
self._draw_point(center, radius, color)
self._draw_crosshairs(center, radius + 3, color, 1)
def _draw_lines(self):
""" Draw lines
Connect every keypoint with a line if they are annotated.
if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]):
color = (254, 79, 48)
color = (34, 87, 255)
for idx in self.keypoint_index:
tree = self.skeleton.loc[idx, "tree"]
if tree >= 0:
pt1 = self._get_scaled_coords(idx)
pt2 = self._get_scaled_coords(tree)
def _update_canvas(self):
""" Update the canvas
Make a canvas, draw in text, lines, and points over
the existing window.
cv2.imshow(self.window_name, self.canvas)
def _update_canvas_size(self):
""" Update the size of the canvas.
Change the canvas size based on the scale attribute.
self.canvas_size = tuple([x * self.scale for x in self.image.shape[:2][::-1]])
def _zoom(self):
""" Key bindings for zooming.
Creates additional key bindings for the program.
The bindings are as follows:
Keys | Action
> + | Zoom in by scale factor
> - | Zoom out by scale factor
Also, if the scale is less than 1, then it sets the scale to 1.
if self.key is keys.PLUS:
self.scale += 0.1
if self.key is keys.MINUS:
self.scale -= 0.1
# if self.scale < 1:
# self.scale = 1.
def _wasd(self):
""" Key bindings for WASD.
Creates additional key bindings for the program.
The bindings are as follows:
Keys | Action
> W/A/S/D | Move active keypoint 1px
> Shift + W/A/S/D | Move active keypoint 10px
This allows the user to make finer adjustments as needed.
if self.key is keys.SPACE:
if self.wasd_mode:
self.wasd_mode = False
self.move_len = 10.0
self.wasd_mode = True
self.move_len = 1.0
if self.key is keys.W:
self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "y"] -= self.move_len / self.scale
if self.key is keys.S:
self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "y"] += self.move_len / self.scale
if self.key is keys.A:
self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "x"] -= self.move_len / self.scale
if self.key is keys.D:
self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "x"] += self.move_len / self.scale
def _move_idx(self):
""" Key bindings for WASD.
Creates additional key bindings for the program.
The bindings are as follows:
Keys | Action
> Up key, Ctrl-Y, |
Shift-Tab | Move up in active keypoint list
> Down key, Ctrl-I,|
Tab | Move down in active keypoint list
This allows the user to make finer adjustments as needed.
# Moving down
if self.key in [keys.DOWNARROW, keys.TAB]:
if self._last_keypoint():
self.idx = 0
self.idx += 1
# Moving up
if self.key in [keys.UPARROW, keys.SHIFT_TAB]:
if self.idx == 0:
self.idx = self.n_keypoints - 1
self.idx -= 1
def _exit(self):
""" Key bindings for WASD.
Creates additional key bindings for the program.
The bindings are as follows:
Keys | Action
> Esc, 0, Q | Exit the program
return self.key in [keys.Q, keys.ESC]
def _hotkeys(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self):
""" Run the program.
Runs the program by continually calling for hotkeys function
defined in the subclasses.
cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, _mouse_click, self)
while True:
self.key = cv2.waitKey(self.refresh) & 0xFF
if self._exit():
class GUI
A GUI for annotating or marking up image(s).
The GUI class works with a subclass to run a program that could be used to annotate or markup an image or a series of images. In order to extend the GUI class to make a subclass, a few things must be defined in the subclass.
Method |
> _hotkeys() | Activates all the hotkey bindings
Attribute |
window_name | Name of application window image_idx | Index of active image, important for multiple images n_images | Number of total images
See the or for an example of how this is done
- Scaling factor for the GUI (e.g. used in zooming).
- Scaling factor for the GUI font. A text_scale of 1 is good for 1920x1080 (1080p) images
- Delay on receiving next keyboard input in milliseconds.
- The coordinates of the mouse on the GUI.
- One image accessed using image_idx.
- Canvas for the GUI itself.
- Store information from the skeleton data input.
- Index of the keypoint in question.
- Keeps track of the keypoints array.
- Total number of keypoints in an image.
- List of text locations.
- The key that is pressed on the keyboard.
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class GUI: def __init__(self): """ A GUI for annotating or marking up image(s). The GUI class works with a subclass to run a program that could be used to annotate or markup an image or a series of images. In order to extend the GUI class to make a subclass, a few things must be defined in the subclass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Method | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > _hotkeys() | Activates all the hotkey bindings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attribute | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > window_name | Name of application window > image_idx | Index of active image, important for multiple images > n_images | Number of total images ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See the or for an example of how this is done Attributes ---------- scale: float Scaling factor for the GUI (e.g. used in zooming). text_scale: float Scaling factor for the GUI font. A text_scale of 1 is good for 1920x1080 (1080p) images refresh: int Delay on receiving next keyboard input in milliseconds. point: numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the mouse on the GUI. image: numpy.ndarray One image accessed using image_idx. canvas: numpy.ndarray Canvas for the GUI itself. skeleton: pandas.DataFrame Store information from the skeleton data input. idx: int Index of the keypoint in question. keypoint_idx: numpy.ndarray Keeps track of the keypoints array. n_keypoints: int Total number of keypoints in an image. text_locs: list List of text locations. key: int The key that is pressed on the keyboard. """ pass def _init_gui(self, scale, text_scale, shuffle_colors=True, refresh=100): """ Initializes the GUI Takes in the scaling factor and keyboard input delay. In addition, this function creates the window, names it, and updates the canvas and text. Parameters ---------- scale: float Scaling factor for the GUI (e.g. used in zooming). text_scale: float Scaling factor for the GUI font. A text_scale of 1 is good for 1920x1080 (1080p) images shuffle_colors: bool Whether to shuffle the color order for keypoint drawing refresh: int Delay on receiving next keyboard input in milliseconds. """ self.scale = float(scale) self.text_scale = float(text_scale) self.refresh = refresh self.point = np.array([-1, -1]) self.shuffle_colors = shuffle_colors if max(self.image.shape) * self.scale < 512: self.scale = 512.0 / max(self.image.shape) if max(self.image.shape) * self.scale > 1024: self.scale = 1024.0 / max(self.image.shape) self.wasd_mode = True self.move_len = 1.0 cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) cv2.moveWindow(self.window_name, 0, 0) self._update_canvas_size() self._update_text_locs() self._update_canvas() def _check_grayscale(self): """ Convert image to RGB if it is not in RGB An image can be checked if it is in color based on dimensions. If the image shape is less than 3, then it does not have color channels. If there is only 1 color channel, it is in grayscale. """ if len(self.image.shape) == 2 or self.image.shape[-1] == 1: self.image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) def _set_annotated(self): """ Set the specific keypoint as annotated. """ self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "annotated"] = True def _init_skeleton(self, skeleton): """ Initialize the skeleton from input data. Takes in either a .csv or .xlsx file and makes a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- skeleton: pandas.DataFrame Filepath of the .csv or .xlsx file that has indexed information on name of the keypoint (part, e.g. head), parent (the direct connecting part, e.g. neck connects to head, parent is head), and swap (swapping positions with a part when reflected over X). Consult example of such a file for more information. """ if isinstance(skeleton, str): if skeleton.endswith(".csv"): skeleton = pd.read_csv(skeleton) elif skeleton.endswith(".xlsx"): skeleton = pd.read_excel(skeleton) else: raise ValueError("skeleton must be .csv or .xlsx file") else: raise TypeError("skeleton must be type `str`") if "name" not in skeleton.columns: raise KeyError("skeleton file must contain a `name` column") elif "parent" not in skeleton.columns: raise KeyError("skeleton file must contain a `parent` column") if "x" not in skeleton.columns: skeleton["x"] = -1 if "y" not in skeleton.columns: skeleton["y"] = -1 if "annotated" not in skeleton.columns: skeleton["annotated"] = False if "tree" not in skeleton.columns: skeleton["tree"] = -1 for idx, name in enumerate(skeleton["parent"].values): branch = np.where(skeleton["name"] == name)[0] if branch.shape[0] > 0: branch = branch[0] skeleton.loc[idx, "tree"] = branch if "swap_index" not in skeleton.columns: skeleton["swap_index"] = -1 for idx, name in enumerate(skeleton["name"].values): for jdx, swap_name in enumerate(skeleton["swap"].values): if swap_name == name: skeleton.loc[idx, "swap_index"] = jdx self.skeleton = skeleton self.keypoint_index = self.skeleton.index self.n_keypoints = self.skeleton.index.shape[0] colors = (, 1, self.n_keypoints))[..., :-1] * 255 ).astype(np.uint8) if self.shuffle_colors: np.random.shuffle(colors) self.colors = colors self.inv_colors = np.bitwise_not(colors) self.idx = 0 def _init_canvas(self): """ Initialize the canvas of the GUI. Create the canvas when the program runs. """ self.canvas = cv2.resize( self.image.copy(), (0, 0), None, self.scale, self.scale, cv2.INTER_NEAREST ) empty_size = (self.canvas.shape[0], int(self.canvas.shape[1] / 4.0), 3) empty = np.zeros(empty_size, dtype=np.uint8) self.canvas = np.concatenate((self.canvas, empty), axis=1) def _last_keypoint(self): """ Check if the idx is on the last keypoint Returns ------- bool True if the index is on the last keypoint. False otherwise. """ return self.idx == self.n_keypoints - 1 def _update_text_locs(self): """ Update the text locations. Update the location based on the canvas. """ self.text_locs = [ (int(self.canvas_size[0] * 1.025), int(self.canvas_size[1] * 0.05) * idx) for idx in range(1, self.n_keypoints + 2) ] def _draw_text(self): """ Draw in the texts Go through the skeleton to get the appropriate texts. """ text = str(self.image_idx) + "/" + str(self.n_images - 1) if len(text) > 9: text = text[:6] + "..." loc = self.text_locs[0] fontscale = self.text_scale * self.scale cv2.putText( img=self.canvas, text=text, org=loc, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=fontscale, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=4, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) cv2.putText( img=self.canvas, text=text, org=loc, fontFace=cv2.FONT_ITALIC, fontScale=fontscale, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) self.text_locs = self.text_locs[1:] for idx, loc in enumerate(self.text_locs): idx %= len(self.text_locs) text_idx = self.idx + idx text_idx %= self.n_keypoints if idx == 0: if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]): color = (254, 79, 48) border_color = (255, 255, 255) else: color = self.colors[self.idx] # (34, 87, 255) border_color = np.bitwise_not(color) # color = (3, 255, 118) thickness = 8 else: if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]): color = (254, 79, 48) else: color = self.colors[idx] # (34, 87, 255) thickness = 2 border_color = (0, 0, 0) text = self.skeleton.loc[text_idx, "name"] loc = self.text_locs[(idx + len(self.text_locs) // 4) % len(self.text_locs)] cv2.putText( img=self.canvas, text=text, org=loc, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=fontscale, color=( int(border_color[0]), int(border_color[1]), int(border_color[2]), ), thickness=thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) cv2.putText( img=self.canvas, text=text, org=loc, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=fontscale, color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])), thickness=1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) def _draw_crosshairs(self, center, radius, color, thickness): """ Draws the crosshair on the point Draws an '+' crosshair on the point of interest Parameters ---------- center: tuple (x,y) coordinates of the point. radius: int The radius of the crosshair. color: tuple The color of the crosshair in BGR. thickness: int Thickness of the drawing. """ ypt1 = (center[0], center[1] + radius) ypt2 = (center[0], center[1] - radius) xpt1 = (center[0] + radius, center[1]) xpt2 = (center[0] - radius, center[1]) color = (int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])) cv2.line(self.canvas, ypt1, ypt2, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(self.canvas, xpt1, xpt2, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) def _get_scaled_coords(self, idx): """ Get the scaled coordinates Parameters ---------- idx: int Index of the keypoint in the skeleton DataFrame. """ coords = self.skeleton.loc[idx, ["x", "y"]].values * self.scale coords = tuple([int(x) for x in coords]) return coords def _draw_point(self, center, radius, color, thickness=1): """ Draw a single point. Draws a single point at the center with specified radius and color. Parameters ---------- center: tuple (x,y) coordinates of the point. radius: int The radius of the point. color: tuple The color of the crosshair in BGR. """ img=self.canvas, center=center, radius=radius, color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])), thickness=thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) img=self.canvas, center=center, radius=1, color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])), thickness=thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) def _draw_points(self): """ Draws multiple points. Draws all the annotated points in addition to the new point """ for idx in self.keypoint_index: if idx != self.idx: if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]): color = self.colors[idx] inv_color = (254, 79, 48) # inv_color = None else: # color = (34, 87, 255) color = self.colors[idx] inv_color = self.inv_colors[idx] center = self._get_scaled_coords(idx) radius = 5 if inv_color is not None: self._draw_point(center, radius, inv_color, 2) self._draw_point(center, radius, color) center = self._get_scaled_coords(self.idx) radius = 8 # color = (3, 255, 118) color = self.colors[self.idx] inv_color = self.inv_colors[self.idx] self._draw_point(center, radius, inv_color, 2) self._draw_crosshairs(center, radius + 3, inv_color, 2) self._draw_point(center, radius, color) self._draw_crosshairs(center, radius + 3, color, 1) def _draw_lines(self): """ Draw lines Connect every keypoint with a line if they are annotated. """ if np.all(self.skeleton.loc[:, "annotated"]): color = (254, 79, 48) else: color = (34, 87, 255) for idx in self.keypoint_index: tree = self.skeleton.loc[idx, "tree"] if tree >= 0: pt1 = self._get_scaled_coords(idx) pt2 = self._get_scaled_coords(tree) cv2.line( img=self.canvas, pt1=pt1, pt2=pt2, color=color, thickness=1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) def _update_canvas(self): """ Update the canvas Make a canvas, draw in text, lines, and points over the existing window. """ self._update_canvas_size() self._update_text_locs() self._init_canvas() self._draw_text() self._draw_lines() self._draw_points() cv2.imshow(self.window_name, self.canvas) def _update_canvas_size(self): """ Update the size of the canvas. Change the canvas size based on the scale attribute. """ self.canvas_size = tuple([x * self.scale for x in self.image.shape[:2][::-1]]) def _zoom(self): """ Key bindings for zooming. Creates additional key bindings for the program. The bindings are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ Keys | Action ------------------------------------------------------------ > + | Zoom in by scale factor > - | Zoom out by scale factor ------------------------------------------------------------ Also, if the scale is less than 1, then it sets the scale to 1. """ if self.key is keys.PLUS: self.scale += 0.1 if self.key is keys.MINUS: self.scale -= 0.1 self._update_text_locs() self._update_canvas_size() # if self.scale < 1: # self.scale = 1. def _wasd(self): """ Key bindings for WASD. Creates additional key bindings for the program. The bindings are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ Keys | Action ------------------------------------------------------------ > W/A/S/D | Move active keypoint 1px > Shift + W/A/S/D | Move active keypoint 10px ------------------------------------------------------------ This allows the user to make finer adjustments as needed. """ if self.key is keys.SPACE: if self.wasd_mode: self.wasd_mode = False self.move_len = 10.0 else: self.wasd_mode = True self.move_len = 1.0 if self.key is keys.W: self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "y"] -= self.move_len / self.scale if self.key is keys.S: self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "y"] += self.move_len / self.scale if self.key is keys.A: self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "x"] -= self.move_len / self.scale if self.key is keys.D: self.skeleton.loc[self.idx, "x"] += self.move_len / self.scale def _move_idx(self): """ Key bindings for WASD. Creates additional key bindings for the program. The bindings are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ Keys | Action ------------------------------------------------------------ > Up key, Ctrl-Y, | Shift-Tab | Move up in active keypoint list > Down key, Ctrl-I,| Tab | Move down in active keypoint list ------------------------------------------------------------ This allows the user to make finer adjustments as needed. """ # Moving down if self.key in [keys.DOWNARROW, keys.TAB]: if self._last_keypoint(): self.idx = 0 else: self.idx += 1 self._set_annotated() # Moving up if self.key in [keys.UPARROW, keys.SHIFT_TAB]: if self.idx == 0: self.idx = self.n_keypoints - 1 else: self.idx -= 1 self._set_annotated() def _exit(self): """ Key bindings for WASD. Creates additional key bindings for the program. The bindings are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ Keys | Action ------------------------------------------------------------ > Esc, 0, Q | Exit the program ------------------------------------------------------------ """ return self.key in [keys.Q, keys.ESC] def _hotkeys(self): raise NotImplementedError def run(self): """ Run the program. Runs the program by continually calling for hotkeys function defined in the subclasses. """ cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, _mouse_click, self) self._update_canvas() while True: self.key = cv2.waitKey(self.refresh) & 0xFF self._hotkeys() if self._exit(): break cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.waitKey(1)
def run(self)
Run the program.
Runs the program by continually calling for hotkeys function defined in the subclasses.
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def run(self): """ Run the program. Runs the program by continually calling for hotkeys function defined in the subclasses. """ cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, _mouse_click, self) self._update_canvas() while True: self.key = cv2.waitKey(self.refresh) & 0xFF self._hotkeys() if self._exit(): break cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.waitKey(1)