Module deepposekit.augment.FlipAxis

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2019 Jacob M. Graving <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
import six.moves as sm
import h5py

from import BaseGenerator

__all__ = ["FlipAxis"]

class FlipAxis(iaa.Flipud):
    """ Flips the input image and keypoints across an axis.

    A generalized class for flipping images and keypoints
    either horizontally and vertically during augmentation.
    This class requires a swap_index parameter, which indicates the
    relationships between keypoint labels when flipping the image
    (e.g. left leg is swapped with right leg, etc.)

    swap_index: or array
        The keypoint indices to swap when the image is flipped.
        This can be a for annotations
        or an array of integers specifying which keypoint indices
        to swap.

    axis: int, default 0
        Axis over which images are flipped
        axis=0 flips up-down (np.flipud)
        axis=1 flips left-right (np.fliplr)

    name: None or str, default None
        Name given to the Augmenter object. The name is used in print().
        If left as None, will print 'UnnamedX'

    deterministic: bool, default False
        If set to true, each batch will be augmented the same way.

    random_state: None or int or np.random.RandomState, default None
        The random state for the augmenter.

    axis: int
        The axis to reflect the image.

    swap_index: array
        The keypoint indices to swap when the image is flipped


    def __init__(

        super(FlipAxis, self).__init__(
            p=p, name=name, deterministic=deterministic, random_state=random_state

        self.axis = axis
        if isinstance(swap_index, BaseGenerator):
            if hasattr(swap_index, "swap_index"):
                self.swap_index = swap_index.swap_index
        elif isinstance(swap_index, np.ndarray):
            self.swap_index = swap_index

    def _augment_images(self, images, random_state, parents, hooks):
        """ Augments the images

        Handles the augmentation over a specified axis

        images: array
            Array of augmented images.

        nb_images = len(images)
        samples = self.p.draw_samples((nb_images,), random_state=random_state)
        for i in sm.xrange(nb_images):
            if samples[i] == 1:
                if self.axis == 1:
                    images[i] = np.fliplr(images[i])
                elif self.axis == 0:
                    images[i] = np.flipud(images[i])
        self.samples = samples
        return images

    def _augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images, random_state, parents, hooks):
        """ Augments the keypoints

        Handles the augmentation over a specified axis
        and swaps the keypoint labels using swap_index.
        For example, the left leg will be swapped with the right leg
        This is accomplished by reordering the keypoints.

        keypoints_on_images: array
            Array of new coordinates of the keypoints.

        nb_images = len(keypoints_on_images)
        samples = self.p.draw_samples((nb_images,), random_state=random_state)
        for i, keypoints_on_image in enumerate(keypoints_on_images):
            if samples[i] == 1:
                for keypoint in keypoints_on_image.keypoints:
                    if self.axis == 1:
                        width = keypoints_on_image.shape[1]
                        keypoint.x = (width - 1) - keypoint.x
                    elif self.axis == 0:
                        height = keypoints_on_image.shape[0]
                        keypoint.y = (height - 1) - keypoint.y
                swapped = keypoints_on_image.keypoints.copy()
                for r in range(len(keypoints_on_image.keypoints)):
                    idx = self.swap_index[r]
                    if idx >= 0:
                        keypoints_on_image.keypoints[r] = swapped[idx]
        return keypoints_on_images


class FlipAxis (swap_index, p=0.5, axis=0, name=None, deterministic=False, random_state=None)

Flips the input image and keypoints across an axis.

A generalized class for flipping images and keypoints either horizontally and vertically during augmentation. This class requires a swap_index parameter, which indicates the relationships between keypoint labels when flipping the image (e.g. left leg is swapped with right leg, etc.)


swap_index : or array
The keypoint indices to swap when the image is flipped. This can be a for annotations or an array of integers specifying which keypoint indices to swap.
axis : int, default 0
Axis over which images are flipped axis=0 flips up-down (np.flipud) axis=1 flips left-right (np.fliplr)
name : None or str, default None
Name given to the Augmenter object. The name is used in print(). If left as None, will print 'UnnamedX'
deterministic : bool, default False
If set to true, each batch will be augmented the same way.
random_state : None or int or np.random.RandomState, default None
The random state for the augmenter.


axis : int
The axis to reflect the image.
swap_index : array
The keypoint indices to swap when the image is flipped

Create a new Augmenter instance.


name : None or str, optional
Name given to an Augmenter object. This name is used in print() statements as well as find and remove functions. If None, UnnamedX will be used as the name, where X is the Augmenter's class name.
deterministic : bool, optional
Whether the augmenter instance's random state will be saved before augmenting images and then reset to that saved state after an augmentation (of multiple images/keypoints) is finished. I.e. if set to True, each batch of images will be augmented in the same way (e.g. first image might always be flipped horizontally, second image will never be flipped etc.). This is useful when you want to transform multiple batches of images in the same way, or when you want to augment images and keypoints on these images. Usually, there is no need to set this variable by hand. Instead, instantiate the augmenter with the defaults and then use :func:imgaug.augmenters.Augmenter.to_deterministic.
random_state : None or int or numpy.random.RandomState, optional

The random state to use for this augmenter.

* If int, a new ``numpy.random.RandomState`` will be created using this
  value as the seed.
* If ``numpy.random.RandomState`` instance, the instance will be used directly.
* If None, imgaug's default RandomState will be used, which's state can
  be controlled using ``imgaug.seed(int)``.

Usually there is no need to set this variable by hand. Instead, instantiate the augmenter with the defaults and then use :func:imgaug.augmenters.Augmenter.to_deterministic.

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class FlipAxis(iaa.Flipud):
    """ Flips the input image and keypoints across an axis.

    A generalized class for flipping images and keypoints
    either horizontally and vertically during augmentation.
    This class requires a swap_index parameter, which indicates the
    relationships between keypoint labels when flipping the image
    (e.g. left leg is swapped with right leg, etc.)

    swap_index: or array
        The keypoint indices to swap when the image is flipped.
        This can be a for annotations
        or an array of integers specifying which keypoint indices
        to swap.

    axis: int, default 0
        Axis over which images are flipped
        axis=0 flips up-down (np.flipud)
        axis=1 flips left-right (np.fliplr)

    name: None or str, default None
        Name given to the Augmenter object. The name is used in print().
        If left as None, will print 'UnnamedX'

    deterministic: bool, default False
        If set to true, each batch will be augmented the same way.

    random_state: None or int or np.random.RandomState, default None
        The random state for the augmenter.

    axis: int
        The axis to reflect the image.

    swap_index: array
        The keypoint indices to swap when the image is flipped


    def __init__(

        super(FlipAxis, self).__init__(
            p=p, name=name, deterministic=deterministic, random_state=random_state

        self.axis = axis
        if isinstance(swap_index, BaseGenerator):
            if hasattr(swap_index, "swap_index"):
                self.swap_index = swap_index.swap_index
        elif isinstance(swap_index, np.ndarray):
            self.swap_index = swap_index

    def _augment_images(self, images, random_state, parents, hooks):
        """ Augments the images

        Handles the augmentation over a specified axis

        images: array
            Array of augmented images.

        nb_images = len(images)
        samples = self.p.draw_samples((nb_images,), random_state=random_state)
        for i in sm.xrange(nb_images):
            if samples[i] == 1:
                if self.axis == 1:
                    images[i] = np.fliplr(images[i])
                elif self.axis == 0:
                    images[i] = np.flipud(images[i])
        self.samples = samples
        return images

    def _augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images, random_state, parents, hooks):
        """ Augments the keypoints

        Handles the augmentation over a specified axis
        and swaps the keypoint labels using swap_index.
        For example, the left leg will be swapped with the right leg
        This is accomplished by reordering the keypoints.

        keypoints_on_images: array
            Array of new coordinates of the keypoints.

        nb_images = len(keypoints_on_images)
        samples = self.p.draw_samples((nb_images,), random_state=random_state)
        for i, keypoints_on_image in enumerate(keypoints_on_images):
            if samples[i] == 1:
                for keypoint in keypoints_on_image.keypoints:
                    if self.axis == 1:
                        width = keypoints_on_image.shape[1]
                        keypoint.x = (width - 1) - keypoint.x
                    elif self.axis == 0:
                        height = keypoints_on_image.shape[0]
                        keypoint.y = (height - 1) - keypoint.y
                swapped = keypoints_on_image.keypoints.copy()
                for r in range(len(keypoints_on_image.keypoints)):
                    idx = self.swap_index[r]
                    if idx >= 0:
                        keypoints_on_image.keypoints[r] = swapped[idx]
        return keypoints_on_images


  • imgaug.augmenters.flip.Flipud
  • imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter