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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2019 Jacob M. Graving <jgraving@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from deepposekit.models.backend.utils import fftshift1d, fft2d, find_maxima, fix
__all__ = ["_upsampled_registration"]
def _col_kernel(upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets, data_shape):
data_shape_float = tf.cast(data_shape, tf.float32)
col_constant = tf.cast(data_shape_float[2] * upsample_factor, tf.complex64)
col_constant = -1j * 2 * np.pi / col_constant
col_kernel_a = tf.range(0, data_shape_float[2], dtype=tf.float32)
col_kernel_a = fftshift1d(col_kernel_a) # TODO: replace with tf.signal.fftshift
col_kernel_a = tf.reshape(col_kernel_a, (-1, 1))
col_kernel_a -= tf.floor(data_shape_float[2] / 2.0)
col_kernel_a = tf.reshape(col_kernel_a, (1, -1))
col_kernel_a = tf.tile(col_kernel_a, (data_shape[0], 1))
col_kernel_b = tf.range(0, upsampled_region_size, dtype=tf.float32)
col_kernel_b = tf.reshape(col_kernel_b, (1, -1))
col_kernel_b = tf.tile(col_kernel_b, (data_shape[0], 1))
col_kernel_b = tf.transpose(col_kernel_b)
col_kernel_b -= tf.transpose(axis_offsets[:, 1])
col_kernel_b = tf.transpose(col_kernel_b)
col_kernel_a = tf.expand_dims(col_kernel_a, 1)
col_kernel_b = tf.expand_dims(col_kernel_b, -1)
col_kernel = col_kernel_a * col_kernel_b
col_kernel = tf.transpose(col_kernel, perm=(0, 2, 1))
col_kernel = col_constant * tf.cast(col_kernel, tf.complex64)
col_kernel = tf.exp(col_kernel)
return col_kernel
def _row_kernel(upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets, data_shape):
data_shape_float = tf.cast(data_shape, tf.float32)
row_constant = tf.cast(data_shape_float[1] * upsample_factor, tf.complex64)
row_constant = -1j * 2 * np.pi / row_constant
row_kernel_a = tf.range(0, upsampled_region_size, dtype=tf.float32)
row_kernel_a = tf.reshape(row_kernel_a, (1, -1))
row_kernel_a = tf.tile(row_kernel_a, (data_shape[0], 1))
row_kernel_a = tf.transpose(row_kernel_a)
row_kernel_a = row_kernel_a - axis_offsets[:, 0]
row_kernel_b = tf.range(0, data_shape_float[1], dtype=tf.float32)
row_kernel_b = fftshift1d(row_kernel_b) # TODO: replace with tf.signal.fftshift
row_kernel_b = tf.reshape(row_kernel_b, (1, -1))
row_kernel_b = tf.tile(row_kernel_b, (data_shape[0], 1))
row_kernel_b = row_kernel_b - tf.floor(data_shape_float[1] / 2.0)
row_kernel_a = tf.expand_dims(row_kernel_a, 1)
row_kernel_b = tf.expand_dims(row_kernel_b, -1)
row_kernel = tf.transpose(row_kernel_a) * row_kernel_b
row_kernel = tf.transpose(row_kernel, perm=(0, 2, 1))
row_kernel = row_constant * tf.cast(row_kernel, tf.complex64)
row_kernel = tf.exp(row_kernel)
return row_kernel
def _upsampled_dft(data, upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets):
Upsampled DFT by matrix multiplication.
This code is intended to provide the same result as if the following
operations were performed:
- Embed the array "data" in an array that is ``upsample_factor`` times
larger in each dimension. ifftshift to bring the center of the
image to (1,1).
- Take the FFT of the larger array.
- Extract an ``[upsampled_region_size]`` region of the result, starting
with the ``[axis_offsets+1]`` element.
It achieves this result by computing the DFT in the output array without
the need to zeropad. Much faster and memory efficient than the zero-padded
FFT approach if ``upsampled_region_size`` is much smaller than
``data.size * upsample_factor``.
data : 2D ndarray
The input data array (DFT of original data) to upsample.
upsampled_region_size : integer or tuple of integers, optional
The size of the region to be sampled. If one integer is provided, it
is duplicated up to the dimensionality of ``data``.
upsample_factor : integer, optional
The upsampling factor. Defaults to 1.
axis_offsets : tuple of integers, optional
The offsets of the region to be sampled. Defaults to None (uses
image center)
output : 2D ndarray
The upsampled DFT of the specified region.
data_shape = tf.shape(data)
col_kernel = _col_kernel(
upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets, data_shape
row_kernel = _row_kernel(
upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets, data_shape
upsampled_dft = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(row_kernel, data), col_kernel)
return upsampled_dft
def _upsampled_registration(target_image, src_image, upsample_factor):
upsample_factor = tf.constant(upsample_factor, tf.float32)
target_shape = tf.shape(target_image)
target_image = tf.reshape(target_image, target_shape[:3])
src_shape = tf.shape(src_image)
src_image = tf.reshape(src_image, src_shape[:3])
src_freq = fft2d(src_image)
target_freq = fft2d(target_image)
shape = tf.reshape(tf.shape(src_freq)[1:3], (1, 2))
shape = tf.cast(shape, tf.float32)
shape = tf.tile(shape, (tf.shape(target_freq)[0], 1))
image_product = src_freq * tf.math.conj(target_freq)
cross_correlation = tf.signal.ifft2d(image_product)
maxima = find_maxima(tf.abs(cross_correlation))
midpoints = fix(tf.cast(shape, tf.float32) / 2.0)
shifts = maxima
shifts = tf.where(shifts > midpoints, shifts - shape, shifts)
shifts = tf.round(shifts * upsample_factor) / upsample_factor
upsampled_region_size = tf.math.ceil(upsample_factor * 1.5)
dftshift = fix(upsampled_region_size / 2.0)
normalization = tf.cast(tf.size(src_freq[0]), tf.float32)
normalization *= upsample_factor ** 2
sample_region_offset = dftshift - shifts * upsample_factor
data = tf.math.conj(image_product)
upsampled_dft = _upsampled_dft(
data, upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, sample_region_offset
cross_correlation = tf.math.conj(upsampled_dft)
cross_correlation /= tf.cast(normalization, tf.complex64)
cross_correlation = tf.abs(cross_correlation)
maxima = find_maxima(cross_correlation)
maxima = maxima - dftshift
shifts = shifts + maxima / upsample_factor
return shifts